GGT Footing

GGT is a shredded textile product intended to be added to sand to improve the function of the sand as horse footing. GGT comes in different types depending upon the kind of sand you have and the intended purpose of the footing. All types of GGT act to stabilize the sand particles, improve the shock-absorbing properties of the surface, reduce dust and help prevent the surface from compacting.  

GGT Footing Installation

GGT Footing expertly installed by East-West Arena Construction (Official GGT Footing Distributor)


We recommend a specially blended sand to GGT ratio to reduce the amount of packing and help to hold moisture in the surface, which leads to reduced dust.

GGT Geo Basic


This multi-purpose blend was designed for arenas which are used for multiple disciplines.

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GGT Jumper Blend


The Jumper Blend is a combination of the Geo blend and GGT Footing fiber engineered for Jumpers and resistant to sliding. 

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GGT Dressage Blend


The Dressage Blend is a combination of the Geo blend and GGT Footing fibers engineered to keep the surface fluffy

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Read all of East-West's articles on GGT Footing here