East-West Arena Construction Blog

The Importance of Sand Evaluation / Sand Selection

Posted by East-West Arena Construction on Oct 3, 2014 1:37:45 PM

A horse arena requires tons of base and top material. These heavy materials cost a lot to move around, and therefore it is not economical to ship these kinds of materials any distance at all. Therefore when building a horse arena, the local materials need to be used. Each locality has materials available that are different in their properties. An expert arena-builder needs to examine the locally available materials and make decisions about which ones to use and how to adjust the rest of the structure to adapt to the unique properties of the local materials. 

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Topics: Sand Selection

Sand Evaluation / Sand Selection for Horse Footing

Posted by East-West Arena Construction on Jul 29, 2014 12:55:00 PM

Sand is a very generic term. It means a mineral substance that has particles smaller than gravel but larger than silt or clay. Sand is defined by the size of the particles, the shape of the particles, and the minerals used to make up the particles. As footing, sand is also defined by how deep the sand is. 

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Topics: Sand Selection