German Geo Textile or GGT equestrian footing is composed of shredded fabric and sand, which prevents soil degradation in equestrian arenas and resists freezing. It is composed of durable polyester fabric that can increase the life of the arena by 10 years. The GGT footing also add cushioning for heavy hoof action.
Controlling Mud and Manure
Outdoor riding arenas are susceptible to erosion and muddy conditions from rainwater runoff, trampling and heavy hoof action, especially the gate entry area and around the arena rails. Traditional arena footing, such as wood chips, sand and gravel form ruts, which collect manure and rainwater runoff particles, making an unstable footing for the horse's foot action. Applying GGT equestrian footing around the entry gate where low spots form from intensive horse use and in the riding arena helps stabilize the ground surface. The water absorbing capacity in a customized blend of GGT and sand helps prevent bare spots that turn into mud, as well as protecting the arena's base construction. GGT footing maintains a level arena footing and provides the cushioning that performance horses need to eliminate strain on tendons.
Caption: Renovating an equestrian arena with GGT footing not only cuts down on the health hazards from muddy arenas but also provides a highly suitable riding arena for dressage, jumping and Western riding.
Health Dangers of Muddy Arenas
The combination of mud and manure is problematic not only because is unsightly but it is also unhealthy for horses. The health hazards of a muddy arena include abscesses, fever, thrush, rain scald and internal parasites. Muddy conditions also contaminate surface water that can run off and contaminate drinking water.
Renovating a Riding Arena with GGT Footing
Renovating an equestrian arena with GGT footing not only cuts down on the health hazards from muddy arenas but also provides a highly suitable riding arena for dressage, jumping and Western riding. GGT equestrian footing is used in professional riding arenas and horse shows.
Contact us at East-West Arena Construction for assistance with customizing a GGT equestrian footing for your indoor or outdoor arena, minimizing the health hazards to your horses from mud and manure.